Working with Individuals – Advanced

Advanced Working with Individuals module

This 4-day training deepens the knowledge and skills developed in the  Beginner and Intermediate Working with Individuals modules.  Through extensive practice and demonstrations, participants will expand and refine their skills – working with various types of clients and challenges.

This training is designed for those participants who are ready to go further into working with clients at a deep level and have the capacity within their own nervous systems to support clients as they work through their challenging experiences.  The maximum number of participants for this module is 4 to ensure optimum safety and learning.

In this Advanced Working with Individuals module you will:

  • Develop specific skills to track and help shift discordant energy
  • Develop specific skills to help clients with discomfort and pain
  • Learn about emotions and the nervous system and how to work with them
  • Learn about movement and the nervous system and how to work with them
  • Develop skills to identify and track subtle, unconscious movements
  • Learn skills to Identify and repair boundary ruptures
  • Learn to identify outdated and limiting patterns of belief and track them in the nervous system
  • Learn more about attachment and attunement and practice activities with horses that provide corrective experiences
  • Practice in triads with a facilitator at all time to ensure optimum safety and learning
  • Learn how trauma resolution is in shamanic terms, ‘soul retrieval’

Attendance at this training is open to those who have successfully completed the Beginner and Intermediate Working with Individuals modules, have an established practice and are working with clients using the CEEL model, and have a commitment to further development and refinement of their facilitation skills.

This is a 4-day training module and on completion of this training, you receive a certificate of attendance.  You will be able to recognise patterns, work with energy and confidently guide clients’ responses to adverse experiences.